Friday, August 12, 2011

Trouble Maker in Chief

Jordan is in love with his dad! Everything Paolo does, Jordan wants to do too. This means EVERYTHING! He loved shaving with dad.
Jordan has turned into quite the 2 year old too! Hitting is a huge problem. He's also learned how to climb out of his crib and is fighting nap/bed time. I've had to put the baby handle on the inside of his door so he can't escape.

This morning I was in the living room and heard what sounded like a shower, but coming from the kitchen. He had just finished pouring a whole liter of juice onto the table that was showering onto the chairs and floors. That took A LOT of paper towels!

He also loves to climb onto the sinks in the bathroom and wash his hands and feet for hours if you let him. What would I do without this kiddo?

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