Sunday, April 14, 2013

sunshine and puddles

The last 2 days have been perfect!  It's been 20-24 degrees C (70-75 F) and on Saturday we spent all day at the park, and I'm talking 6-7 hours at the park with other moms and kids.  It was record long, but also record fun.  I've never been so happy to see sunshine.  The last weeks and months have been a long blur of rain and gray skies.  Even just a couple of days ago the park was wet and full of puddles and mud.  I went out of desperation and Isabel found a very muddy puddle to play in.

 We had a good picnic and the kids played and digged in dry dirt all day long.  What a fun day!

 Isabel stealing a sandwich.

This is the other day when Isabel played in the muddy puddle.  The picture doesn't do it justice.  The whole park was wet and muddy.  There was one big puddle that I managed to keep Isabel out of for about 20 minutes.  She finally managed to jump into it before I could stop her.  So I let her have fun.  I've never seen her dance and stomp her feet like that in all her little life!

Then she LAID down in it and tried to lick the water like a dog.  I picked her up by the coat and got her out of the puddle.  She dived back in before I could stop her and the second time was successful in drinking some of that mud water.  Yuck!  No kisses for you my dear.  Not until after your bath anyway.


Brianna Smith said...

I am so glad it's been perfect there too! The weather has been so perfect here and we already have sun kissed noses, arms and legs. I love the sun (especially after a long cold winter!) I am so glad that Isabel got some muddy play time -you are a lot braver than me! :)

Sabrina Gironda Perkins said...

I wish we could go to the park togheter