Sunday, February 10, 2013

the world's CUTEST thing ever

 While my kids have done some gross things lately, Aaron and Jordan do about the cutest thing in the world (to the eyes of this mother).  They now hold hands walking/running to and from school.  It's about the sweetest thing ever.  They're such good buds (when they aren't punching each other)!

 I think they were pretending to be captain Hook (one of Aaron's fixations).
 When we moved here a year ago, the number of foods that Aaron ate was less than 10.  The only vegetable that he ate I think were carrots.  Green was excluded from anything we ate.  Since going to school and eating school lunch, with the help of peer pressure and his occupational therapy, he's started eating vegetables.  We can also get him to eat a few bites of spinach, because "it makes his muscles strong" and with those strong muscles he always wrestles with dad after dinner to see who's the strongest.

Aaron had a "first ever" and decided to fill his plate with broccoli instead of spaghetti, so that he "could be the strongest of everyone".  And he did it.  He ate a huge plate of broccoli!  So much has changed in a year.
 He's still picky about food, and if it's "broken" meaning not completely whole or is missing a corner, or if a cookie is broken, etc.  He can't touch it.  Apparently it's no longer edible in his little mind.  Maybe in another year... or two...
And of course Jordan.... he's the best pasta eater ever.  I'm grateful that this little guy eats most things offered to him. :)

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