Wednesday, March 27, 2013


 Jordan as we were leaving the library had to stop and pick flowers.  About one of the cutest things (in this mother's eyes) is that he likes picking them for his mother.  When he was done, he came and handed me this saying:

Ecco Mamma!  Questi fiori sono per te!

Hear you go Mom!  These flowers are for you!
 Then as an afterthought he walked back through the weeds and after examining several flowers, he chose this one and said

Mamma, questo fiore e` per Papa` quando si sposa!

Mom, this flower is for Dad when he gets married!

 Aaron after we got home from the library had a snack with bread and apple slices.  As far as I can remember this is the first time this kid has played with his food like he would with his toys.  He started having the apple slices being persons that were talking to each other.  It made me glow to think of how he's growing, and becoming more of my little boy.
And I can't help but mention that this little turkey PRINCIPESSA has evolved over the last week.  She's trying to say many, many more things, although not very comprehensible.  Her falling apart over not getting what she wants is a little more showy, and she's starting to discover that she can go new places (aka my drawers) and from there get up onto the counter tops, or at least what's on them.  This time it was a liter of milk.  Sigh.  I should have taken my grandmother's advice and tied her legs.  Just couldn't bring myself to do it though.

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