Friday, August 30, 2013

the park by our house

 The park by our house is pretty dingy and full of mosquitos.  There is only one playground toy.  But somehow I want to remember it when my kids are older.  Despite not being top notch, it has lots of good memories of playing with friends, dirt and sticks.  I'll never forget all of the mud pies, mud balls, digging, and dumping shovels full of dirt onto Isabel's head, or all of her potty training accidents here.  We keep coming here because it's fenced in, and I'm not worried about a child running away or wandering into the street.  That's essential for me since Isabel's pretty good and taking off like a streak of lightning.

I guess a good park isn't necessarily what's highest quality, but the quality of playtime that you get there.  Sticks, dirt, and water seem to keep all 3 of my kids happy!
 So last week when we were the only kids in the park, I thought about how I want to remember this place when my kids grow up.  I realized that I really didn't have any pictures of my kids here.  They happened to oblige by being very cute and giving each other lots of kisses.

And a random extra picture: summer treats... watermelon!

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